Tonight is a Sunday night, I miss my friends a lot #sad, I mean my real real and really bestfriend, Its too hard for me to see them again, since im moving here , i can't forget you all, because i know you guys more than my new friends here :/
Thank you for the all things,That mean so much to me for concern and understanding,You guys give abundantly.#smile.Babe, Whenever my life feels empty,those times when I feel a lack i thank God for our special friendship,because I know you've got my back
from the left Nadiah Roslan,Batrisyia Zaki,Arra Razak,Aireen Rosli
The girl with Hijjab , Our new bestfriend Husna Romli
Green dress Zafirah Idris
Aqilah Mahazan
Aqilah Rahani& Ain Balqis
Now you guys know what I’m talking about, you’ve been through big things, too.yet you cheer me when I’m happy,you comfort me when I’m blue.#stupidoss
p/s: I hope you guys not forget about me, because im love you guys sho much ,Thanks being my friends for 4 years,Lots of love from me